GE to Invest $40 Million Plus Turbines in KS Wind Farm

John Davis

Buffalo_Dunes1GE is investing $40 million in a wind project in Kansas. GE announced the expansion of its portfolio with Italian power company Enel to include investment of common equity and supplying turbines for the 250-megawatt Buffalo Dunes Wind Project:

Last year, the companies invested in the 235-megawatt Chisholm View wind project in Oklahoma, and in the 200-megawatt Prairie Rose wind project in Minnesota. Both projects also feature GE wind turbines. The GE unit and Enel Green Power North America also invested in the 101-megawatt Smoky Hills wind farm in Kansas and the 63-megawatt Snyder wind farm in Texas.

The transaction gives GE Energy Financial Services a majority, 51 percent, share of the Buffalo Dunes project being built near Garden City, Kansas in Finney, Grant and Haskell counties. Enel Green Power North America, maintains the other 49 percent ownership in the venture. In addition to the money, GE will supply 135 wind turbines for the project and will provide operations and maintenance after completion. Most of the energy generated is slated to go to Alabama Power Company under a 20-year agreement.
