Figuring out where you can charge up your electric vehicle might just be a little easier, thanks to the folks at Google.
According to this article from Environment News Service, the search engine giant has added charging station locations to the Google Maps platform:
In the United States, there are over 600 charging stations. To locate the ones near you or in a location you are heading for in your electric car, just search on Google Maps for “ev charging station” plus the appropriate area, for example, “ev charging station near Mountain View, CA.”
A list comes up in the viewing pane to the left of the map complete with the name of the charging station’s location, the address and phone number, and sometimes even the brand of charging station at that location.
“We’d like to continue adding more charging stations to Google Maps, so we’re excited that our friends over at the the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory are working to make more data available,” writes Cynthia Yeung of the Google Strategic Partner Development Team on the company’s Lat Long Blog.
The article goes on to point out that NREL has information on nearly 7,000 alternative fueling stations, including more than 600 locations for electric vehicles.