Clean Fuels Conference 202

Butamax Advanced Biofuels Recieves Patent

Joanna Schroeder

Butamax Advanced Biofuels LLC announced today that they have received a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Patent number 7851188 encompasses Butamax’s isobutanol producing biocatalyst under the title “Fermentive Production of Four Carbon Alcohols”. This in one of several patents that the company has filed across the biofuels value chain for its work in biocatalyst, bioprocess and fuels, including biobutanol, a drop-in fuel. Many consider drop-in fuels to have much greater advantages and benefits than first generation fuels.

“This biocatalyst patent is a reflection of our first-mover position in isobutanol. As more of our patent portfolio matures, our patents will play an important role in our efforts to develop and commercialize biobutanol for the global transport fuel market,” said Tim Potter, CEO of Butamax.

Just last month, the company unveiled its biobutanol technology laboratory in the city of Paulínia, São Paulo state, in Brazil and they also have a start-up demonstration facility in Hull England. Butamax was also recently named to Biofuels Digest’s coveted 50 Hottest Companies in Bioenergy.

“We look forward to sharing more details about our commercialization efforts in the near future,” concluded Potter.

biobutanol, Company Announcement