Clean Fuels Conference 202

Governor’s Conference on Energy In Full Swing

Joanna Schroeder

The first Governor’s Conference on Energy is underway this week in Richmond Virginia with nearly 500 people on hand to learn how America can develop its domestic energy sources. During the conference Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is touting his state’s mission of becoming the “Energy Capital of the East Coast.”

McDonnell said of the conference, “In this era of global competition, it is critical that we fully develop our domestic energy resources in order to provide reliable, low-cost power while helping to reduce our dependence on foreign sources. This means developing all of our energy resources, traditional, alternative and renewable, and making the most of conservation and efficiency…. (N)ew and expanding energy businesses will be an important part of our economic recovery and growth in the years ahead. Working together, we will make Virginia the “Energy Capital of the East Coast.”

One fuel under discussion during the conference is propane, and Roy Willis, president and CEO of the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) was on hand as well as Stuart Weidie the president of Alliance AutoGas to discuss ongoing research, development and commercialization of propane vehicles.

“It is appropriate that propane participate in this important, forward-thinking conference,” said Roy Willis. “In Virginia and around the country, propane vehicles can play a vital role in providing a cost effective solution for transportation, with economic and environmental benefits that can be recognized immediately.

“Propane already is used by millions of Americans for transportation, commercial, industrial, and agricultural applications,” continued Willis. “With 55,000 miles of pipeline, more than 6,000 retailer dealer locations, and thousands of propane fueling stations, propane is readily accessible and ready to do more.”

conferences, Propane