Algae Biodiesel By-Product to be Sold to Indonesia

John Davis

petroalgae2A Florida-based algae-biodiesel company has found an international market for a by-product of its clean energy business.

This press release from PetroAlgae Inc. says it has has received official notice that the protein from PetroAlgae’s proprietary micro-crop production technology has successfully passed testing by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture and is suitable for use in animal feed:

Furthermore, the protein has been cleared for importation as a raw material to be used as an ingredient for animal feed. This protein is a co-product of PetroAlgae’s core bio-crude (renewable fuel feedstock) production system. Licensees of the PetroAlgae production system will be expected to follow the Guidance and Procedures for the Registration of Animal Feed in Indonesia.

PetroAlgae uses a modular, flexible design construction that allows it to use a near-continuous growing and harvesting process for a wide variety of micro-crops suited to local climates.

algae, Biodiesel, International