Clean Fuels Conference 202

PERC Launches National Consumer Propane Campaign

Joanna Schroeder

F150Propane_NMall_340The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) launched a new campaign today to promote the ways propane can help cut greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, lower energy costs, and reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil. In fact, greenhouse gas emissions can be cut immediately, says PERC by using more propane and expanding its uses.

Roy Willis, president and CEO of PERC said, “Significant and swift progress toward environmental goals is within reach. The key is to more fully embrace the clean alternative energies, like wind, solar, natural gas, ethanol, and propane, that are already used across the country.”

Propane which is most commonly used for home and water heating in rural areas, is a low-carbon alternative fuel that emits significantly lower amounts of greenhouse gases and smog-producing hydrocarbons than conventional fuels emit. PERC says that its environment-friendly profile also makes it extremely appealing to people looking for clean energy options for transportation, commercial and agricultural uses. And according to the organization, propane also boasts the most robust nationwide infrastructure of any alternative fuel, meaning it is immediately ready for expansion beyond rural households.

Major supporters of propane include T. Boone Pickens who highlighted propane as an important part of the Pickens Plan, citing propane’s environmentally friendly profile and ample production in the United States. In partnership with Pickens, PERC will be rolling out a national advertising and public relations campaign that will extend through the end of 2009.

I will be spending a week driving an F-150 that has been converted to run on propane by Roush Manufacturing. You will be able to follow my trip via my video journal beginning August 16th on as well as here on DomesticFuel.

News, Propane