BBI Releases New CHP Report

Joanna Schroeder

IllinoisElectricityGenerationBBI International has released a technical report on combined heat and power (CHP) that addresses the impact on statewide renewable portfolio standards (RPS) when companies install biomass fired combined heat and power facilities (CHP) onto current ethanol production plants.  This report focuses specifically on Illinois, which currently produces 976 MGY of ethanol, with an additional 188 MGY of capacity under construction and 78 MGY of capacity currently idled.

This report is a first in the series of technical reports.

“Combined Heat and Power facilities fired by biomass represent a real opportunity for ethanol producers to control energy costs, contribute to their state’s renewable portfolio standards, and reduce the carbon score of their facilities,” said Jeff Coombe, BBI Manager of Technical Studies.

BBI International’s report analyzes the biomass required to fuel a CHP facility, the incremental energy required to size and handle the biomass, and average capital costs. The report also models the economic impact of a number of variables on the financial viability of deploying a CHP facility including the prices of natural gas, electricity and biomass.

BBI International’s report is available for purchase at

Ethanol, Ethanol News