Iowa Firm Wins Biodiesel Marketing Award

John Davis

keckenergy2A Des Moines, Iowa-based distributor of biodiesel has won that state’s Secretary of Agriculture award for biodiesel marketing.

This press release from Secretary Bill Northey
says Keck Energy is the biodiesel winner of 2009 of the Secretary’s Biodiesel and Ethanol Marketing Awards (see Michelle’s post for the ethanol winner):

Mark Meyer of Keck Energy of Des Moines is the 2009 Secretary’s Biodiesel Marketing Award winner for their efforts to expand the availability of biodiesel and promote it’s usage by their customers. Meyer is President of Keck Energy and has worked to promote biodiesel usage at both the wholesale and retail level.

In particular, Meyer and Keck Energy have been involved on the ground level in preparing for and responding to the issues facing biodiesel and other biofuels.

Iowa is the nation’s leader in biodiesel production with 14 refineries cranking out nearly 318 million gallons of biodiesel each year.
