Clean Fuels Conference 202

Using All The Corn And Making Ethanol

Chuck Zimmerman

Mike SobetskiOne of the speakers at the ethanol industry press conference here at Iowa Speedway this morning was Mike Sobestski, Vice President/COO, LifeLine Foods. Besides talking about the company he also explained how they use various parts of a corn kernel to make food and fuel.

An interesting point he made was that the part they use to make ethanol is the undesirable part that’s not good for much else. He even brought along some jars of product to show reporters the different elements of corn they use. The company and their methods are a great example of how much is being done by ethanol producers today to make their operations more sustainable while helping meet our energy demands.

You can listen to Mike’s comments here: [audio:]

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Audio, corn, EPIC, Ethanol, Indy Racing, News