Introducing Ethanol Retailer Magazine

Chuck Zimmerman

Robert White at National Ethanol ConferenceThe Ethanol Promotion and Information Council is now in the publishing business after announcing the introduction of “Ethanol Retailer” magazine this week. Robert White, Publisher, is pictured (center) during a panel he participated in on E85 during the National Ethanol Conference. I interviewed Robert about the new venture and the panel he was on.

Ethanol Retailer is the only magazine dedicated to reaching over 22,000 independent fuel retailers from their own viewpoint. These retailers are the backbone of the ethanol market, servicing over 6.8 million flex-fuel vehicles.

“We’ve broken new ground with this magazine,” said Robert White, publisher and director of operations for EPIC. “No other single publication addresses the higher blends of ethanol from a fuel retailer standpoint.”

The quarterly magazine addresses ethanol from a business case, and includes the latest ethanol news, facts and resources, fuel retailer success stories, and ethanol government updates.

You can listen to my interview with Robert here: [audio:]

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Audio, EPIC, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, News