Ground Broken on Alliant Energy’s First Wind Farm

John Davis

alliantenergylogo.jpgWhen it finally opens, Alliant Energy’s first owned-and-operated wind farm should be quite a sight to see as 41 turbines generate green power on 12-square-mile area of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin.

According to a company press release, it will produce enough energy to power at least 17,000 homes:

alliantwindmills.jpg“This is an important day for Alliant Energy and our customers as we continue to strive to meet the increasing demand for “green” energy,” said Bill Harvey, President and Chief Executive Officer for Alliant Energy.

“Today’s groundbreaking is a step forward in Governor Doyle’s efforts to move Wisconsin into a position to be a leader in alternative energy and to get a handle on global climate change,” said Matt Frank, secretary of Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2008.
