Former Military Base Becoming Biodiesel Producer

John Davis

Nova Biosource FuelsThe former naval shipyard at Seneca, Illinois near Chicago will soon be the home to a 60-million-gallon-a-year biodiesel plant.

This story on the Chief web site says Nova Biosource Fuels is building the plant:

One of the premier components of the project is the pre-fabricated pipe that transports the biodiesel fuel within the plant. Nova Biosource chose Edwards Engineering, Inc. of Elk Grove Village, IL, to take on this task because of their cutting edge technology and industrial experience. The project was so large that Edwards opened a separate facility specifically for this project, which is added good news for the Illinois economy. Edwards employs approximately 75 workers in their 50,000 square foot pre-fabrication facility in Minooka, IL, and as part of an installation team on-site at the Seneca plant.

Nova Biosource has more than 230 million gallons of biodiesel capacity under construction or in operation throughout the country.
