An Escape for Missouri Governor

Cindy Zimmerman

Blunt CarMissouri Governor Matt Blunt has joined the ranks of the chosen few who are test driving the Ford Escape Hybrid. Ford has produced just 20 of its hybrid-electric, flex-fuel Escapes that can run on E85 fuel and Ford Manager Tony Reinhart made the presentation to Blunt last week at the Missouri State Fair. Blunt says the specially-equipped Escape will help promote his Missouri Renewable Fuel Standard, which outlines that all fuel sold in the state will have to contain 10% percent ethanol by January of 2008. The Governor pointed out that Missouri is the fourth state to have such a requirement. The hybrid, flex-fuel also meets Blunt’s executive order that requires at least 70% of new vehicles purchased by the state to be flex-fuel vehicles.

Listen to Tony Reinhart, Governor Blunt and Missouri Corn Grower’s Association Education Director Gary Marshall here during the presentation:

E85, Ethanol, News