Domestic Fuels Go Hollywood

Cindy Zimmerman

Freedom Fuels Ethanol and biodiesel took center stage in Hollywood over the weekend with the World Premiere of the award-winning “Freedom Fuels,” directed and produced by Martin O’Brien.

The picture debuted on November 11 at the “Third Annual Artivist Film Festival and Awards” in Hollywood. “Freedom Fuels” received an award for best short in the Environmental Preservation category.

According to the filmaker’s website, Freedom Fuels takes an in-depth look at renewable fuel sources, such as biodiesel, ethanol and vegetable oil. It explores the interaction of the petroleum industry and alternative fuels over the last 150 years, and examines the global impact that biofuels can have on our future.

The film includes appearances by Darryl Hannah and Willie Nelson, as well as representatives of the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council and the National Biodiesel Board.

The film is also the first Carbonfree™ film, thanks to

Biodiesel, Ethanol, News