On-Line Course Teaches Mechanics of Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

EPIC A new on-line training course for ethanol provides an understanding of ethanol fuel and how it affects engine performance and the environment.

The Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC) developed the Ethanol Fuel Performance Training module for anyone who wants to get to know the technical side of the fuel, according to Reece Nanfito, senior director of marketing.

“It’s intended for auto service technicians and other people interested in ethanol as it performs in engines,” said Nanfito. “It is an interactive course that goes through the benefits of ethanol and then goes through in great detail how ethanol performs in engines.”

Dan Schwartzkopf, who is general manager of Renova Energy’s Wyoming ethanol plant and also a drag race car driver, consulted for EPIC on the information to be included in the course to make sure it was correct and easy to understand for any level of interest.

“This program is going to enable anybody to go on-line and get questions answered,” said Schwartzkopf. “If your interest is just knowing what ethanol is, then it’s going to tell you a story. If your interest takes you into wanting to know the details of the working of a motor and the fuel together, it’s going to take you to that level. So, it’s an A to Z program.”

The online ethanol fuel training course can be found on the EPIC website.

EPIC, Ethanol, News