President Promotes Renewables

Cindy Zimmerman

REC-Bush-1 President Bush got a nice round of applause when he just said, “I like the idea of promoting a fuel that relies upon our farmers.”

“I guess we have some farmers here,” he said.

“We’re up to five billion gallons of ethanol,” he adds. “We’re just in the beginning stages of an industry that’s evolving. We want you to succeed. It’s in our interest as a nation for you to succeed.”

“In my judgement, the thing that is keeping ethanol from becoming more widespread is the lack of other feedstocks to make it,” the president said, again to applause advocating the use of tax dollars for research into cellulosic ethanol.

More to come….thanks to the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council.
(This is cool being able to post live while the president is still speaking!)

Energy, EPIC, Ethanol, Government