Focus on Ford in London

Cindy Zimmerman

Ford has been generating ethanol excitement this week at the British International Motor Show in London with its Ford Focus FFVs.

Ford announced that UK supermarket giant Morrison’s – which recently became the first retailer to sell “bio-ethanol” – became the proud owner of the 1,000,000th Ford Focus FFV sold in the country.

The company also announced that the Focus is the first FFV to be backed by discounted insurance, and that a new study measured the Focus FFV emissions at under 100 grammes of CO 2 per kilometer – lower than comparable vehicles using hybrid technology.
Ford also unveiled the snappy little number in the photo with a name that sounds like a French wine – Coupé-Cabriolet. This concept car was one of three new FFVs Ford has on display at the show.

In addition, Ford announced it’s intention to invest at least £1 billion to reduce emissions and fuel consumption in the UK.

Car Makers, Ethanol