Front Range Energy LLC and Pacific Ethanol Inc. today announced the completion of Front Range Energy’s ethanol plant in Windsor, Colo.
According to a Pacific Ethanol release, the ICM-designed facility has a nameplate capacity of 40 million gallons per year of fuel ethanol. The plant produced its first ethanol on June 9, 2006, and expects to ship its first loads of ethanol and wet distillers grains later this week.
Pacific Ethanol, in addition to marketing all of the fuel ethanol and WDG output of the Windsor plant, has a contract to procure corn, manage plant operations and market products for Front Range Energy. Pacific Ethanol will market all the ethanol through its Kinergy Marketing subsidiary and will market all the WDG through its Pacific Ag Products subsidiary.
Front Range Ethanol is counted by the Renewable Fuels Association as the 101st ethanol plant in the country.