Ethanol Education Pack and Contests

Cindy Zimmerman

EPIC kids stuffThe science of ethanol can now be taught in the classroom in an informative and entertaining way with the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council’s (EPIC) new educational fun pack and student contests.

The pack includes six different units for teachers – English, geography, science, math, vocabulary, and social studies. It also includes lots of fun stuff like the “How Ethanol is Made” video, several in-class activities including a crossword puzzle, word find and quiz, wristbands, environmental clings, children’s books, t-shirts and five Team Ethanol IndyCar® Series die-cast cars.

In addition, EPIC is sponsoring ethanol essay, podcast and coloring contests for students. Teachers who teach 4th through 6th grade can go online to to order their free educational materials and find out about the contests.

EPIC, Ethanol, News, Promotion