Davis Off to a New Adventure

John Davis

My Dear Friends,

For the past four-and-a-half years, I’ve had the distinct pleasure of blogging about this nation’s and world’s efforts to wean itself from non-renewable energy. It’s been an absolutely fantastic experience, taking me down the blogging highway, sometimes from the comfort of my own living room chair. But, sadly, I will not be able to continue writing for this blog.

I have been offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go to Afghanistan to help the Afghans start a radio journalism/production program, so they can get good information to the people of that country and not just what some mullah wants to tell them. Don’t worry about my safety; I’ll be warm and safe and dry in the cozy confines of Kandahar Air Base, protected by the finest collection of fighting men and women the world has ever seen. I only hope that my efforts will make their jobs a little easier and help Afghanistan recover from decades of war and strife.

In the meantime, I hope to check in from time to time and give you a glimpse of our efforts there.

I can’t tell you how much I have appreciated Chuck’s and Cindy’s efforts and opportunities they have afforded me. They are true friends. I also feel confident that between them and their pool of talented, sophisticated freelance journalists, they’ll continue to spread the good news of renewable energy.

I thank you for reading my posts and providing comments. Even when (and probably especially when) we disagreed, I think it made for some great conversation … the real key to solving this nation’s energy issues. Keep reading Domestic Fuel, and keep putting in that great feedback!

Until we see each other again, take care!


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